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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Current Awareness List (O)

Name/Topic of the bulletin The intended audience & content it contains Frequency How to subscribe How it can be reused Created by Contact
Occupational Therapy Bulletin This bulletin covers all aspects related to occupational therapy such as occupational engagement, brain injuries, developmental coordination and rehabilitation to name a few. Monthly Contact the person responsible for the bulletin Send to use, with credit  Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Occupational Therapy Update The Audience is Trust staff with an interest in this area. The aim of the publication is to bring together a range of recently published research and guidance that will help make evidence-based decisions.  biannual Email the Library Send to use, with credit / User sign up / Repurpose with credit / Can circulate / Re-use East Cheshire NHS Trust
Older People's Heath For those with an interest in care of the elderly, it covers recent research articles, systematic reviews, NICE guidance, NIHR alerts, other useful publications. Bi-monthly Email the Library Send to use, with credit / Repurpose with credit University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Ophthalmology Uses Browzine as a source and covers cataracts, AMD, retinal detachment, glaucoma, paediatrics, ocular cancer and emergency care. Monthly Contact the person responsible for the bulletin. Repurpose with credit  York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital FT
Ophthalmology This bulletin gathers reports, guidelines and articles indexed in KnowledgeShare, Acta Ophthalmalogica, Advances in Ophthalmology and Optometry, British Journal of Ophthalmology, Journal of Optometry, Ophthalmology, Retina, and Survey of Ophthalmology. These are presented alphabetically by topic. Monthly Email the Library ~ Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS FT
Ophthalmology Update The Audience is Trust staff with an interest in this area. The aim of the publication is to bring together a range of recently published research and guidance that will help make evidence-based decisions.  biannual Email the Library Send to use, with credit / User sign up / Repurpose with credit / Can circulate / Re-use East Cheshire NHS Trust
Organisational Development and Wellbeing Relevant to staff working in organisational development or staff wellbeing. It can also be relevant for chaplaincy/HR/leadership staff. It contains guidelines/reports, journal articles, blogs/news articles and podcasts. Issues covered include healthcare staff wellbeing/benefits, speaking up, flexible working, burnout, people managing, organisational culture/change etc. Monthly Email the Library Repurpose with credit  United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Orthopaedics For those with an interest in orthopaedics, this contains a range of systematic reviews, NICE guidance, Covid-19 updates, recent trial, NIHR Signals and evidence summaries. Bi-monthly On Twitter Repurpose with credit / Can circulate University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Oxford Centre for Enablement (OCE) Research The OCE Research Bulletin covers all aspects of disability and rehabilitation: clinical, education, research, and policy.  Bi-monthly  Email the Library Send to use, with credit / User sign up / Repurpose with credit  Oxford University Hospitals NHS FT