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Library Knowledge Services (North)


  • Unexpected Bear Hunts, Parakeets and Cockapoos
    17th July 2024
    Dom Gilroy gives an account of his recent trip to the HLG conference at the Royal College of Physicians in June 2024. read more...
  • Keepin' the Faith - a Northern Soul reminiscence resource
    9th July 2024
    Carl Challinor gives describes the significance of Northern Soul in the region and why it inspired the recently created reminiscence therapy collection at Bradford District Care Trust read more...
  • Emergency! Emergency! Major Incident Planning on the Isle of Man
    11th June 2024
    It’s been a bad few years for hypothetical Noble’s Hospital. Last month an explosion at the Triumph factory caused a cloud of poisonous gas, a few years ago there was a plane crash, before that a fairground ride fell on a crowd, and, of course, there was the horrible accident at the Ramsey Sprint motorbike event. Apart from there wasn’t, because none of these things actually happened, but they could, and that’s why each year the Isle of Man runs a major incident exercise. read more...
  • LIHNN visit to LMI
    4th June 2024
    Opposite Liverpool’s Catholic cathedral and next door to the Everyman theatre Liverpool Medical Institute is an unassuming Classical building in Hobnob-coloured stone. Two columns on the main entrance give it the air of a Post Office with delusions of grandeur, or perhaps the home of one of the University’s less-fashionable departments, anthropology or theology perhaps. read more...
  • Research and the library – don’t forget about us!
    29th May 2024
    Recently, I attended an event titled ‘Expanding Research within Roles and Developing Partnerships’ hosted by our research team. The event highlighted the diverse research roles within the Trust, showcased current research projects, and featured a range of speakers from both within and outside the Trust. read more...
  • Two days in Dundee: the UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum 2024
    20th May 2024
    I’ve been attending this annual event since I started my PhD researching health and care knowledge and library specialists’ role in knowledge mobilisation within and beyond their organisations. Unlike most of the conferences and training sessions that we attend as library professionals, the UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum isn’t primarily targeted at librarians or indeed any particular professional group; it is aimed at anyone “with a passion for ensuring that knowledge makes a positive difference to society”. Our very own Susan Smith from the JET Library at Mid Cheshire Hospitals is on the organising committee though, so the profession is represented at the highest level! Typical attendees include students, practitioners, researchers, academics, policy makers and civil servants. It is always a very interactive event, providing a space for sharing knowledge, experiences and methods through such things as a knowledge fayre, storytelling, an ideas jam and interactive poster plenaries. read more...
  • Reflections on the online 'Value and impact in libraries' event
    13th May 2024
    Karen Hithersay offers her reflections on the recent online ‘Value and impact in libraries’ event on 24th April 2024. read more...
  • Librarian's untapped power: an ally on the path to publication
    8th May 2024
    An information specialist is part of the team carrying out an integrative review into serious incident investigations in community mental health settings, and writing it up for publication. read more...
  • NHS Library and Health Promotion Services: managing funding uncertainty
    8th May 2024
    How Bradford District Care NHS Trust faced funding challenges and won. read more...