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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Hi from Zara - New starter at Leeds Teaching Hospitals

Hi, my name is Zara Andrews. I joined the Library and Evidence Research Centre at Leeds General Infirmary in April this year, as a receptionist. This is my first time working in the NHS libraries, but I have been enjoying the challenges it brings, and the people I meet.…

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Liberation and creativity through poetry

I work as a Library Assistant in the Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust, one of the biggest acute NHS trusts in the country. In June I volunteered to participate in a series of poetry workshops. Staff from Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) were conducting an action research project on poetry in health libraries, and they needed a diverse group of Northern NHS Library staff to explore an intriguing question: ‘Can poetry add to the existing NHS Health Library offer?’.…

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The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Library & Information Service update June 2021

In common with services everywhere, the service we have been able to provide over the past year has been coloured by the Trust’s response to COVID-19 and the guidance around that. The physical service was provided from the Library & Evidence Research Centre at Leeds General Infirmary, with staff coming into LGI on a rota to maintain safe minimal staffing, and working from home the rest of the time. We managed to maintain five-day opening for much of the year, but dropped to three days for March and April 2021, and are now back up to four days a week. Alongside the physical service we promoted electronic access, continued to deliver our literature search and enquiry services, and moved training over to remote delivery.…

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