Before the changes in working norms due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the library service at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (BHNFT) was proactive in introducing new members of staff to library services during the formal induction process. The library was represented during corporate induction and library staff worked with departments to deliver tailored induction in the library for certain staff groups. But from March 2020, the trust ended all face-to-face training and induction to limit social contact as a consequence of the pandemic, resulting in a requirement to deliver virtual inductions. This case study presents how the library service approached this, by creating an interactive library induction leaflet via PageTiger.

PageTiger is an online publishing tool which allows content to be presented in an engaging and interactive format. Initial meetings with PageTiger occurred in May 2020, and a decision was made to purchase licences. It was also decided during this period that elements of corporate induction and junior doctor induction, as well as other Trust documents would move to PageTiger, which would contribute to it becoming a format BHNFT staff members would become familiar with.



The library induction leaflet on PageTiger provides basic information which users frequently ask such
as opening hours, location, contact details, how to join and team members. Further in the induction document are details regarding how to request a literature search, current awareness, how to sign up for NHS OpenAthens and the electronic resources available through OpenAthens. The idea behind the induction is that it provides an introduction to all of our key services, so library users are aware of how the library can support their work. There are also plenty of opportunities for library users to get in contact with the library if they have any queries through PageTiger, with interactive boxes which open up blank emails at various points. It was also important to make the document interactive, with information provided in a variety of formats; this was achieved by two embedded videos which are introductions to DynaMed Plus and BMJ Best Practice. The pages within PageTiger are presented with a ‘less is more’ approach; pages are not over crowded with information but links and pop ups are available if the user wants more information on a particular aspect of the service.


If other services are considering using PageTiger, it’s worth noting that while it is generally easy to navigate, it does require some patience. Template pages cannot be edited – e.g. if you select a template page with two pictures, they can’t be swapped out for a text box or video box. Therefore you need to consider which template is needed before inputting your content into that page. The real strength in PageTiger lies in its presentation - pages can be created in a professional, user friendly format which is easy to follow. The fact that pictures and videos can be embedded easily also positively contributes to the usability.

Once the interactive induction document was completed, a procedure to circulate the PageTiger was required. The internal ESR team now notifies the generic library email of new starters’ email addresses. The library assistant sends out the PageTiger. We also have a section which includes the link to our own in the corporate and Junior Doctor PageTiger inductions. This two-pronged approach ensures new starters will be made aware of library services.

Due to this new process still being in its infancy, formal evaluation has not been conducted as yet. However, PageTiger statistics would imply new starters are reading the document. Also built in to the new induction is the option to sign up to the library, sign up to our current awareness service and request literature searches – all of which library users have been doing via this option. This would imply that the new induction process is serving its purpose. At the time of writing, it appears that delivery of corporate induction at BHNFT will remain virtual for the foreseeable future, therefore the library service will also continue to deliver induction virtually via PageTiger.

Daniel Froste
Library Lead
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust