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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Do you see what I see?

Trying to work out how to teach library skills in an engaging way is an ongoing mission for lots of us. My latest attempt at thinking about why we need to consider alternate terms when we search involved shaking down my 3 year old niece for some of her beautiful drawings (don’t worry, I actually just asked her if she would mind me using them in my classes; also checked with her parents; and only photographed them so they could keep and treasure the works of art forever.)…

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Emergency! Emergency! Major Incident Planning on the Isle of Man

It’s been a bad few years for hypothetical Noble’s Hospital. Last month an explosion at the Triumph factory caused a cloud of poisonous gas, a few years ago there was a plane crash, before that a fairground ride fell on a crowd, and, of course, there was the horrible accident at the Ramsey Sprint motorbike event. Apart from there wasn’t, because none of these things actually happened, but they could, and that’s why each year the Isle of Man runs a major incident exercise.…

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Change doesn't have to be scary

This Hop Tu Naa (the Manx version of Halloween), there’s been a few spooky changes in Keyll Darree Library. There’s an old adage that Manx people aren’t fond of newness, but our library team always feel better for a refresh, so we’re bucking the perceived trend!…

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